Taken up a new hobby!

I’ve been interested in beaded jewellery for some time now and I decided to give it a go. So I bought a necklace from www.spellbound.co.uk

The one I ordered is called Gossamer and is so pretty so look at, but a bit fiddly to make up.

All it took was one strand and already I’m hooked, so I ended up ordering Daisy necklace and earrings and jasmine necklace Pics to follow.

I’ve done a bit more on my baby’s blanket, which I want done soon, but I have to get some study in. We had a bit of bad news at home and its taken my efforts away from my study, so I’ve a bit to do to catch up on, but I’ll get there. Its easier to sit threading beads and knitting, than it is to try and focus on reading. But never mind, it wont take long to catch up. I think we’ve a free week coming up so that will help get back on track.